Because neither of us had been there we were a little unsure where to go. We approached the library and saw a sign directing us to the Grace Presbyterian Church basement. Since it was a simply gorgeous day today, we walked down the block to the church, descended the steps, and entered what I imagine heaven must look like.

Seriously, you know that euphoria that chronic over-eaters feel when the enter a buffet, like the Golden Corral, or Old Country Buffet? Well that was what I felt when I walked into the sale.
I had my own little Veruca Salt a la Willy Wonka moment. I wanted everything in there. My first priority was to find some stuff for Hubby, since he was stuck at work, so I sauntered to the Politics table. I tried to text him to get approval for a book, and realized I had no signal, so I decided to maybe I should just go for it, depending on the prices. Hmm, I thought, where is the sign....

WHAT, YOU ARE KIDDING ME, I thought. Blink blink. I looked around again.

About 30 minutes later, I had quickly perused the tables, and decided I had better get out of there fast, or I was never going to leave. I found Jen, and we wrapped up our browsing. I went to the table to check out. The woman counted up my books and said, "that will be $8.50 please."
I said "No."
She said "yes."
I said "Please take $10, I feel like I am stealing."
She happily accepted my ten dollars, and and I gleefully accepted my loot:

The sale is going on today until 6 pm, and tomorrow 9 am-12 pm with crazy price reductions, something like $3 per BOX of books. Seriously K-townsfolk, and those of surrounding areas, stop into Grace Presbyterian Church and pick up some books for a good cause. It is a win win situation.