Last night I got to help out by participating in a fund raising event for The American Cancer Society. Let me give you the back story.
Last fall, our friend Jason started dating Erin. It was a crazy time in life for me and Hubby, having just moved into the house, and only a few weeks to go until the wedding. Then we had holidays and the Snopacalypse of 2010, so it was not until a couple of months ago that Hubby and I really got a chance to start spending time with Erin and Jason as a couple.

Very quickly, Erin and I became good friends, (Hubby loves her too!)and she became a great source of support for me, in millions of little ways that she did not even realize. Now, I was finally able to support her.
The group is named The Aud Squad, because it was started in honor of a local woman named Audrey, who is a cancer survivor. (We happen to live on the same street as this woman, yet another thing I love about small town life, these little six degrees of separation). This year, two more survivors were joining the Squad, one of which was Erin’s aunt, Jane. Jane has been more than just an aunt, she is like a second mom to Erin, and Erin’s whole family has really come together to support each other during this time. Now was our chance, as Erin’s friends, to support her, and Jane, and everyone we ever knew who had battled cancer.
Me personally, I settle for what is commonly known as a New Jersey Dog, or Texas Tommy, which is a hot dog with cheese in it, wrapped in bacon, and deep fried. YIKES. I added onion and coleslaw, and it was amazzzzzing!
There were also chips, veggies, and of course desserts.
We had a chance to buy more tickets of raffle items, and with sales people this adorable, who can resist?
There was a chance to sign up for the Aud Squad’s Relay for Life Team, or to purchase various items, with proceeds going towards the American Cancer Society.
As you can see, everyone had a great time.
I can not imagine a better way to have spent a wonderful afternoon with friends, and neighbors, doing something that makes you feel so good, and helps people you care about. Take a look at the AUD SQUAD!!!
If you or anyone you know has battled cancer, and you would like to help, there are a couple of things you can do. Erin sells Pampered Chef merchandise, and they have some special s coming up in May called WHIP CANCER. You can find her personal website here.
Also, anyone who would like to help support the Aud Squad with donations for the American Cancer Society can contact Erin via email, wvuangel at hotmail dot com .
Take a look at some of the pictures both Erin and I took at the benefit, consider donating, and please please please leave a comment letting me and everyone else know of any loved ones you have or had who battled cancer so we can keep them in our thoughts and prayers as well!
To Erin and Jason, we love you guys so much, and consider ourselves blessed to have you as friends. Your love for each other and for Jane is truly inspirational!