For the third summer in a row, we have had a graduation in our family. This time, the celebration was for my nephew, Austin, who graduated from high school. I cannot express how proud of him I am. Since he has been old enough to work, he has worked (often 30+ hours a week), and still maintained the grades to graduate with honors. He is one of the most unique young men I have ever known. From an early age, Austin knew that music was his greatest love, so he has spent 7 years playing drums, 4 years playing guitar, and the last 2 years he has played bass for a local band. That is some dedication and motivation, all exhibited by a teenager!
We all were able to travel home to celebrate Austin's graduation, which was extra special because he graduated from the same high school that my siblings and I did. Well, let me clarify; the actual school building we attended was torn down, and Austin attended the new updated building. But BHS is more than just a building, it is a way of life. That is what it is like growing up in a small town I guess! The graduation ceremony was really nice, I particularly liked that the recognized the kids who were joining the military. At the end of the ceremony, we all rose to sing the Alma Mater, and I was amazed that after 17 years, I still remembered all the words!

The day after the ceremony, my sister and brother in law threw a great graduation party at their home. It was so nice to see so many of my family members and friends of our family (some I had not seen since my wedding!). It was also great that I finally got to meet Austin's girlfriend, Alexis, who is adorable. I have never seen my nephew as happy as he has been in the past few months.
His hard work is far from over. Just a few days after he graduated, he got a great new job, and in the fall he will be starting college. In fact, he has already tested out of one of his intro classes. Clearly, he is one smart kid. What can I say, it runs in the family.
Congratulations, Ozzy. Aunt Nini is so proud of you!