As part of a jam packed weekend, Hubby and I got up early to go to the annual Kittanning Library book sale on Saturday. Since funding for the library has been cut so much in recent years, this is a huge fundraiser for the library. Who would not want to support their local library and get some great book deals in the process?
Last year was the first year I ever attended a book sale, and I was ridiculously happy with the deals I got on books.
This year, I did even better.
Because we went on the last day of the sale, prices had been drastically reduced. We walked in the door, and the lady at the front table informed us that it was $3 a box. Blink blink. Are you SERIOUS? This could be dangerous. I decided to restrain myself, but trust me, it was not easy.
Hubby and I split up and started looking. I grabbed a box first thing, and starting putting things in. The tables were organized only into general categories (romance, fiction, history), so it was hard to have anything specific in mind to look for.
With the rows upon rows of books, my strategy was basically skim the titles and get anything that stood out to me. It did not take long for me to fill a box, and by that time, Hubby was done looking, so I sent him to get a second box.
When we filled the second box, I made the executive decision that we were done, because we already have no room for more books at our house (the joyous problem that occurs when two book nerds marry). I handed over my $6 and out the door we went.
Not a bad haul for $6.
Best part is, once I read them, I can always donate them to the next library sale!