Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thank your teachers today

Well well well friends, it turns out this week is National Teacher Appreciation week!  Who knew?  And of that week, TODAY is Teacher Appreciation Day!

Kierkegaard once said that "what the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches".  I have found this to be true, for better or worse, with every teacher I have ever know.

I am very proud to say that several of my friends are or were teachers, and my sister is studying to be a teacher as well.  Teachers have such a tremendous impact on our lives, even if we do not realize it at the time.

For me, the teacher who really had the most impact on me was one of my college professors.  He ended up being my academic advisor, and later we did some research together.  Had I never taken a class from him as a sophomore, I never would have changed my major, I never would have gone to graduate school, and my life would have been so different.  I greatly appreciate the impact he had on me.

So, whether you are a mommy dealing with your child's teacher, a mommy who IS your child's teacher, or simply a former student yourself, take time to thank those who have taught you and your loved ones.