Luckily, I have the ability to improve my health in a lot of ways. Just last month, at my annual checkup, I learned that I dropped my cholesterol pretty significantly. It could still stand to be a little lower, and I am working on that now. In addition, my blood pressure is much better than it was at the beginning of the year. I attribute a lot of these positive changes to alterations we have made to our diet. The idea of possibly having to go gluten free kind of scares me, but lately I have been toying with gluten free and vegetarian meals, with mostly positive outcomes.
I am not one to say that my way of cooking or my lifestyle in general is the right one for everyone, so when other people push miracle diets/products/lifestyles on me, I tend to bristle a bit. I think health is something that is extremely personal, and ones health or lifestyle needs change over time.
I look at what some other people I know have dealt with, or are dealing with, and I am thankful for my health, thankful for a body that works the way I want it to (most of the time- getting old kind of sucks though!), thankful for access to wonderful healthcare, and thankful for the opportunity to improve my health with the choices I make. I am far from being the poster girl for health and wellness, but nevertheless, I am thankful.