After my nap, we finished our Thanksgiving leftovers, and discussed what we would do tonight. Before I knew it, Hubby and I had made plans for in impromptu date night at the movies. Funny how those things happen. We got ready right after dinner and went to see the last movie in the Twilight series. We are not huge fans of the movies, but we have seen them all, and at this point we were too invested to not see them through. The series first started when we were just dating, so of course we had to go. Again, I am not a huge fan on the movies, though this was the best of the five, and I will say, the movie is beautifully photographed, from the opening titles to the closing credits.
I love that Hubby and I still go on dates. Sometimes, like tonight, they are traditional date activities (dinner, movies, etc.), and sometimes they are just adventures (long car rides, geocaching, etc.). I love that no matter what we are doing, we always have fun. I am so thankful that I met this wonderful man, and finally allowed him into my life after his many months of patient waiting. I am thankful that every day he is by my side, to make me laugh, to hold my hand, to love me. I am thankful that he shares my hopes, dreams, goals, and values. I am thankful that, even after over 4 years together, he still gives me butterflies on date night.