In short:
libraries = books = awesome.
Which is why it totally broke my heart to hear that Manchester School in Pittsburgh had less than 40 fiction books for the entire school to use. 40 total for grades pre-K to grade 8. 40. I have easily read that many library books in a year, even as an elementary student. This really needs to change; this is an urban school, serving urban kids, most of whom are minorities, many of whom are in need. While other schools have state of the art technology labs, this school is struggling to even have a library at all. This needs to change. These kids deserve for it to change. These kids deserve to know that they are worth the very best, that they can become the very best. It is not just about books, it is about empowering these children with knowledge and self worth.
Since the story first got out, several people have written about it, the details have been shared by an award winning author (I love you Neil Gaiman), and the response has been overwhelming. But we cannot let interest wane.
Today, millions of people payed mega dollars for the newest iPhone, some skipping work to obtain it. For millions, money is not an issue. But for these kids it is, which is why I am asking for your help. For 2% of the cost of the new iPhone, you could buy a book for this school, maybe even two. And it could help make the difference in the lives of countless children. Can you please help?
If you are interested in helping Pittsburgh Manchester school, there are a couple of ways you can help. You can send donations directly to the school at the following address:
Pittsburgh Manchester PreK-8 (label packages for the Library)
1612 Manhattan Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15233
or, you can actually order directly from the school's Amazon wish list, and have it sent to the school.
I just had a book sent to the school. Will you?