I thought long and hard about the pros and cons of choosing any one specific thing to cure. I feel like each has its downfall. Sometimes the "cure" could have unintended health consequences, or even unintended social consequences. Any "cure" would have major impact on the world around us. Think of what the world would be like if there was one cure for all kinds of cancer. The entire medical field would be changed. Yes, many many people would be saved from pain and suffering, but also many people might end up out of a job. Medicine is big business, and I hesitate to tamper with it, even hypothetically. And besides, how do you pick just one thing? What about all the other things you would be turning your back on?
However, if I had to pick something to cure, I think I would choose to cure infertility.
At my age and stage of life, it seems like everyone I know is raising children, or pregnant. But the reality is, it is not EVERYONE I know. I personally know several people who have struggled with fertility issues. Several of my friends have been through rounds and rounds of fertility interventions. They have taken and charted temperatures. They have injected. They have undergone rounds of in vitro. They have spent heartbreaking years trying to conceive. When they are told their options for conception have been depleted, they have moved on to fostering or adoption. They have had home studies, and court dates, they have been told a baby is on the way, only to have the birth mom change her mind. They have prayed, waited, cried, yelled, invested their time, money, and emotions. Sometimes, a baby finally comes. Sometimes a baby never comes.
Imagine living years stuck in the cycle of hope and heartbreak that infertility brings. Imagine the hurt that comes each time another friend announces a pregnancy, only to wonder "why not me?". Imagine losing multiple pregnancies, sometimes without anyone even knowing you were ever pregnant. Now imagine being told that you would never have to worry about it again, that there is a cure that is effective, low cost, permanent (in case you want more children in the future), and presents no health risks or side effects to you or your children. That would be pretty amazing, right?
My concern with curing infertility, even hypothetically, is the impact it would have on the adoption situation, both domestically and internationally. So many children are desperate for homes, and I wonder if there would be a huge drop in adoption rates if infertility were cured. Perhaps, instead, we would see a dramatic increase in agencies allowing same-sex adoption. But then consider the political impact of adoption catering to same-sex couples. I guess the point I am trying to make is, despite the nice thought of having a magic wand to cure any one physical ailment, it is rarely ever that simple.
Even hypothetically.