Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Word Filled Wednesday: My Lamp

2 Samuel 22:29 You are my lamp, O LORD; the LORD turns my darkness into light.

Sometimes, I look around me, and simply marvel at all my blessings.  My life is not perfect, far from it, and I struggle all the time, with things large and small, but it is my faith that helps me through my struggles.

For so many years, I yearned to find a man who would be a good spouse for me.  I believed with all my heart that God created me to be a wife, but I had no luck finding a mate.  My God was simply preparing me for the most remarkable man I could ever imagine, and when the timing was right, He led me to my husband.

When we started dating, we faced some difficulties, not living in the same place, and each of us dealing with our own stressors.  But God again brought us closer together through these trials, and allowed us to prepare for our marriage.

We are now preparing to celebrate our first anniversary.  Everyone said this first year would be the hardest.  I say, if this year represents the hardest, bring it on.  Hubby and I have been so blessed over these 12 months.  We did have to make some really tough decisions, and face some difficulties during this year, but the reason this year was so wonderful is that we faced them together.

God truly saw me through some dark times, and filled those dark times with glorious light, and He used my husband as a way of showing me His light.