Blogging also sparked a passion for photography. I wanted nice, pretty pictures for my posts, and before you know it, I am taking an adult ed class in photography. While I am extremely amateur, I think my skills have vastly improved.
So blogging led to photography, which led to pictures of what I cook. And I cook a lot. One of the greatest ways I contribute to our household is by creating delicious, healthy, cost effective meals. Because I am proud of my creations, and because they are often just so pretty and tasty looking, I take pictures and share them on my social media sites (yet another hobby).
All of these things snowballed into me doing something today I have been considering for a while... I finally created my own food and cooking blog, entitled The Occasional Veggie. I will probably start posting all my recipes and food pictures over there as opposed to here, so be sure to follow that blog as well!
It seems, often, that I have too many hobbies (the above are just a few). Obviously, I cannot focus on all of them at once, and the balance changes often depending on what else is going on in my life. But I love that I have so many outlets for creativity. These are the things that keep me mentally sharp, constantly learning, and forever improving. I am thankful that I have so many opportunities to explore.