Oh this prompt is going to be a piece of cake for me. You see, Hubby collects board games, so we talk about them a lot in this house. We also listen to board game podcasts and watch board game related YouTube channels. We just bought a new game, and we are dying to try it out. So we will, in my little fantasy.
The name of the game is Betrayal at House on a Hill. It is basically a board game based on every worn out B horror movie trope ever. I love B horror flicks, so this is right up my alley. At first all the players work somewhat cooperatively, until one a series of actions triggers a game change called "The Haunt" and one player is revealed as a traitor. The remaining players must work in conjunction to try to defeat the traitor. All of these changes are determined by a series of dice rolls. Once The Haunt is revealed, a scenario is described, based on certain statistics in the game. There are so many different factors that make up the possibilities, that each time you play the game it is different. Sort of like a choose your own adventure in board game form. It sounds really awesome, and we are so excited to play the game, we just need to find other people to play with.
One would think that Hubby and I might be allies from the get go, but that is pretty unlikely really. You see, I am fiercely competitive, and I enjoy having a chance to strategize against my husband. So, I would be pretty excited if Hubby ended up being the traitor. He is much more board game savvy than I am, so he would easily be able to hold his own against a group, and I would enjoy playing against him. I would also greatly enjoy being teamed up with Wil Wheaton and John Hodgman, once I got over being completely star struck.
Honestly, this would be our perfect Saturday night.