This week, my god parents are celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary. I can only hope and pray that Hubby and I will also be blessed with fifty (or more) years of wedded bliss, as they have been.

A few short hours ago, our very wonderful friends Erin and Jason got engaged in Paris. How wonderfully romantic! My heart literally swells with joy for them, as they enter this truly wonderful time in their lives. It makes me so happy to see Jason find such love, and I have gained such a beautiful friendship with his bride to be.
In all my years, I never really understood what it was like to feel this supremely happy for someone else, and the reason is because of Hubby. I never could feel happy for anyone else, because I had never been this happy in my life.
So, with all this talk of marriage and engagements, I thought I would share our engagement story with you, as it will soon be one year since Hubby changed my life forever by asking me to marry him.
When Hubby and I went on our first date, we went to dinner, then went over to Borders to look at books. We somehow ended up in the children's books, and I started picking up books and reading them out loud to him.
I found a book called Your Personal Penguin.

It was all about this little penguin talking to this other animal, asking to be his personal penguin. She wanted to go with him where ever he went, and how wonderful their life could be together. It was a precious moment, innocent and sweet, me standing there asking him if I could be his personal penguin. Best memory ever.
Well, one Sunday, Hubby (at the time just Boyfriend) decided he was going to come see me (he said he had gotten me a gift). He tried to convince me to meet him at Borders, but I did not feel like driving. So he came to my house, and I was getting ready to go out. He sat on my bed, as I rushed around getting ready, and then finally, I went and sat next to him, and kissed him. He asked me if I wanted my present and I said sure.
So he pulled out the book, Your Personal Penguin. I of course let out a big awwwwwwww. And then he said, will you read it? So I said, sure, and read the book out loud. The last pages of the book say "Look at these wings so perfect to hold you, I'd like to say again what I have already told you. Let me be your personal penguin, imagine me, your personal penguin, I want to be your personal penguin from now on. Please?"
When I finished reading it, he said, honey will you be my personal penguin, and I said, oh honey of course.
And then he said, no, I actually mean it. And he got down on his knee, with the most gorgeous ring, and asked me to marry him. And of course I said yes.
The thing is, he and our friend L had been duping me for 2 months. Boyfriend had gotten the ring when I was in Atlanta the previous March. But instead of letting on, L fed me bad information that he was refusing to go ring shopping, and that he was not ready to make any kind of move on anything until the end of the summer. So, when this happened I was caught completely off guard. So they had cooked this up, and kept this a secret this whole time. But you know what, I do not mind one bit. It was the best surprise ever.
So that started our love story. And it will never ever end. Just like my god parents, and Erin and Jason.