The event was Bowl for the Kids, and it was a fundraiser where people get groups of bowlers together, and each bowler gets sponsored with donations. The teams then attend the event, and prizes are awarded to the top fundraisers. There were really amazing prizes, including a bike, Steelers preseason tickets, a zoo membership, and lots of fun themes baskets.
We got an awesome donation of pizzas from Vocelli,
and other people donated lots of cookies,
as well as the use of a popcorn machine (and the time of the man to run it!)
A lovely folk duo came and played.
And everyone had a wonderful time!
I had such a blast watching all the people bowl, socialize, enjoy their prizes, and be so joyful about helping support such a wonderful cause.
I am really proud to be a part of such a great organization. Thanks to everyone who volunteered time, donated money, supplies, and prizes, and helped make the event such a success!
You can see my full photo set here.