Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Change of Heart

I am not sure where I first heard about the A Change of Heart program, but I know it was just before Valentine's Day.  February was American Heart Month, with a focus on improving overall heart health.  I somehow found the A Change of Heart program, which was created at the University of Kansas Hospital.  The program was created by women, to focus specifically on women's heart health,

Some of it, like the Heart Health Assessment, is aimed specifically at women in the Kansas City area, where the hospital is located, though I am sure your family doctor or a local doctor could do the same thing no matter where you live (depending on your insurance of course).

The program also lists a lot of great resources regarding heart health.  And the coolest thing, the thing that I requested and got in the mail today, was a heart health advocacy kit.
What a cute, colorful package this is!

The kit includes tips and heart healthy recipes, a pedometer to track your steps, and the coolest thing of all... cards to give out to raise awareness.
Goal: 10,000 steps a day.

The kit includes 4 advocacy awareness cards, and I think I will use them in the near future for a Secret Agent L kindness mission.


But the cool thing about my blog is, this entry can serve as a "virtual advocacy card" in a way.  Since you can see all the info, and I included a link to the program and the advocacy kit request page, you all can take advantage of this opportunity to strengthen you heart health and help raise awareness.

So, I urge you all, join me in this commitment to a healthy heart.  We all have people who love us with all of their hearts, lets make ourselves healthy so we can love with our whole hearts for a lot longer!