For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
Isaiah 43:18-19
God is all about change. He is the supreme makeover artist. He changes all of us, once we allow Him into our hearts and lives. He changed the future of mankind by sacrificing His son, Jesus. In God's eyes, change is a good thing.
Yet it is human nature to be resistant to change. We like to remain in our comfort zone, knowing exactly what will happen, how things will be, and what our lives will be like. When change is thrust upon us, we have a tendency to panic, at least I do.
Last night, in my small town, major political changes happened as a result of the primary election. Some of these changes make me happy, and some of these changes make me sad. But all of them make me nervous. Yet, I have to look at the bigger picture. Life changes every day. God makes each day special and unique, to serve a specific purpose. I have to believe that change, even the change I dislike, serves a purpose, or I would drive myself crazy.
So much has changed in my life in the past 2 years even. Most of the changes were positive, but that did not prevent me from fretting over each and every change that happened. Yet, today, I am happier in my life than I was 2 years ago. So, I know, in my heart, these changes were a part of God's plan for me. I can only pray that with each passing day, I continue to be open to God's pathway, changing me for the better.