After a fabulous dinner, we headed over to Consol to prepare for the show. We were an hour and twenty minutes early, and already the line for entrance was around the block. It was awesome though, because we got to see all kinds of people dressed up for the show. Gaga fans are a whole new breed. We were over, or maybe under, dressed to say the least. Next time, I am dressing up.
So, once the doors open, things moved quickly. We got to out seats, and some girl was dancing on stage, the warm up to the opening act I suppose, I did not pay attention, I was busy finding the best setting for my camera to take good pictures. (It was time well spent, check out the whole photo set here.) Hubby worked on perfecting his "little monster" snarl.
The opening act started at 8. It was the Scissor Sisters, and though I am not terribly familiar with their work, they were a good opening act, high energy, and I really ended up enjoying their music. Good choice Gaga, you helped them make a new fan out of me! They played for almost an hour.
Then we waited, and waited, and waited. There was a bit longer of a delay than planned, I think there was technical difficulties. I did not mind, gave me a chance to check out more of the crazy outfits in the crowd.
I should mention that we were in one of the highest sections up, and these were people standing on the floor of the arena. Yeah, my camera is pretty flippin awesome!
Finally, as the energy was at a frenetic peak, it was time for the show to start. There are no words I can use that will capture what the crowd sounded like. So I will let you hear it instead:
Finally, it was time to see the Queen of the Monster Ball.
The show was so flipping amazing. Costumes, storyline, dancers, musicians. All of them amazing. But the best part was Gaga herself. Her voice is so.... pure.
I know many of people are not big fans, or have little patience for what they consider her eccentricity. I wish they could have heard the message she gave that night. The message was one of pure love, for everyone. No matter your race, religion, ethnicity, sexual identity or orientation, regardless of how you look, how much money you make, or where you live. The message was simply "you are beautiful, and perfect, and worthy of love. Just as you are." There were a TON of teens at the show with friends, and more often their moms. I think this message was so important for these kids to hear. I loved that parents encouraged kids to dress up and express their creativity. And at one point, Gaga's message had me in tears. She said, basically, screw all the people who said you are not pretty enough, or thin enough, or smart enough, or anything else negative, because you are perfect.
Who doesn't need to hear that now and then?
Granted, the theatrics and some other aspects of the show may have pushed the limits, and been a bit racy, but, her whole point is BE WHO YOU ARE. And if anyone ever suspects her love for people, I wish they had been there to see this.
At each show, she calls a fan in attendance, and together the present 20,000 to charity. This was the fan, his wife, and their daughter, who loves Gaga. The charity one that helps LGBT homeless people get a new start in life. How remarkable. Gaga also told them she wanted to meet them after the show. This woman loves her fans, and loves humanity.
She also, consequently, loves Pittsburgh, and has one heck of a set of pipes.
I can honestly say, this was the best night I have had since my wedding night. And my favorite part was when she was singing "Bad Romance", and of course we were all singing along. Out of my left ear, I could hear Hubby singing along too.
The show was phenomenal, and I will never ever forget it.
Paws up little monsters. You were born this way.