What a rough winter. I felt like the snow was never going away. So the only option we had was to make the best of a bad situation and go play in the snow. Even Nora made some snow angels.February
Our first Valentine's Day as husband and wife! I wanted to make it really special, so I decorated the house, cooked a delicious dinner, and made a cake. Hubby came home with roses for me. It was a perfect day. This is also the month I started my blog!March
We are adjusting to life with a puppy. Dexter joined our family after Valentine's Day, and we immediately fell in love with him. Our lives will never be the same.April
Hubby took me and Dexter on a mini vacation to Deep Creek, Maryland for my birthday. It was a little chilly, but that did not stop us from at least dipping our toes in the lake. We visited Antietam and Harpers Ferry, as well as Burkittsville, and thoroughly enjoyed the trip. On my actual birthday, we left to come home, but not before going geocaching. Once home, my friends threw me a surprise birthday party. Once again, it was a perfect day.May
We surprised our friend J, whose girlfriend E planned a birthday night out at Ruths Chris. He had no idea we were going, and we had a great time. After dinner, we, along with E and J, and J and M, frolicked in the fountains in Pittsburgh. Later on in the month, E and J got engaged in Paris. It was a great month of surprises for wonderful friends. Also, Hubby and my dad replaced our dining room floor, and built a fence for our yard. It is finally sinking in that this is home!June
Hubby and I went to visit my brother and Paul in Columbus. We packed so many fun things into just two days. We went to Katzinger's Deli, the Book Loft, a cute little seafood restaurant we dubbed The Old Man and the Sea, I introduced them to Rita's Ice, and Paul gave me a fabulous photo shoot of glamour shots. It was so much fun! This month J and I went to the Arts Festival, and Hubby and I participated in the Relay for Life.July
This month was packed with celebration! There was the Big Butler Fair, July 4th Baker party, Ford City Heritage days, my parents' anniversary, the Folk Festival, just so much summer fun packed into this month. It's no wonder I decided late in July to try to start losing weight!August
August marked the one year anniversary of us buying our house, so we celebrated with an ice cream social. So many of our wonderful friends came to the party, many of them seeing the house for the first time. We had tons of goodies, lots of laughs, and (gosh I am getting repetitive) it was a perfect day. And I started seeing some weight loss this month as well.
This month was Hubby's birthday, and we had a whole weekend of celebration! We went to visit Fort Necessity on his birthday, went to a Pirate's game, and had a Labor Day cookout with family. Later in the month we went to Podcamp, participated in our block party, and also hit up some fall festivals.October
One year of marriage down, a lifetime to go! It was our first wedding anniversary this month. We went on an adventure, had a wonderful dinner, then later shared the top layer of our wedding cake with our friends. It was delicious! Later, the month was filled with 80s birthdays, spooky parties, fun fundraisers, and a zombie opera. Lots of Halloween fun!November
So much awesomeness this month! We redid our bathroom and dining room, I got my first massage, we reconnected with Podcamp friends, and got to dress up once again for Prohibition Night! We also attended and had tons of fun at a teen birthday party. This is also the month I started getting really involved with the Kindness Movement, and tried to raise awareness for Pancreatic Cancer. We went to my first ever Light Up Night. Oh, and in between all these things, I hosted Thanksgiving dinner for my family, and we went to our first official Pens game.December
Yet another busy month! I collected Toys for Tots, we got our first snow of the winter, did some Christmas Caroling, had a wonderful Christmas, and got another puppy! Whew! You know, a lot of people think I have no life because I am so involved with social media, or because I do not work full time, but looking back over the year, I can easily see how busy, full, and enriching my life actually is. I would not have it any other way!So, there is a snapshot of my year. It was full of wonderful memories, supportive family, fabulous friends, and the unconditional love of my Hubby. Is it any wonder I rave about how blessed I am?
Happy New Year to you and yours, from me and mine!